Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The C Word

No country was ever significant without it.

No religion was ever significant without it.

No army was ever significant without it.

No company was ever significant without it.

No marriage was ever significant without it.


Commitment means to death. To the objective. To the greater good.

When people don't know what the concept means, they walk away at the first sign of trouble. They should be shot as traitors.

Commitment is what made America.

Commitment is what made the Ford Motor Company.

Commitment is what made Apple, Microsoft, Coca-Cola, Google, the NFL.

People committed to an idea and each other that come what may, the greater good is more important than individual wants.

I fear that our society is failing because we have lost this.

Think what would have happened in the Great Depression, World War I and World War II if not for Commitment.

America would not be here. Our parents and grandparents would have thrown up their hands because, "It's just too hard."

Then where would we be?

We owe it to them and to generations to come to reinstate the idea of Commitment.

More powerful than a contract.

More powerful than Washington, D.C.

More lasting than a generation.

It is what makes families great.

It is what makes communities great.

It is what makes real friends great.

It is what separates the transient from those bonded by commitment.

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