Thursday, March 24, 2022

Brian Main

 As I write this, Brian is heading home to Toronto.  After his last official trip to Haggar.  

When I had the blessing of being the CMO of Haggar Clothing Co., Brian was our man in Canada.  

Who knows why, but Brian and I met and immediately became friends.  And that friendship grew and developed into a great business relationship and a friendship.

Brian got me.  And I got Brian. 

Brian knows me as well as any male human.  Lea knows me better, but Brian was there for me before Lea.  

We did great business together.  

But, more importantly, we became very close friends.  

Me, a redneck.  He, a hockey-playing hardass.

We've been thru all types of business issues. Sometimes on opposite sides.  

We've been thru family struggles.  We were always open and honest.

O, the good times we've had.  Bistro 999.  Playing golf and George Chee sliding down the fairway doing unintentional 360 slides.  

This man, Brian Main, is the only guy that ever "got me".  Not that I was in charge.  Just that I had a point of view.  

He is a married man with two kids who have been thru the challenges of growing up.  

Brian has been there at every challenge of my life.  

I love Brian Main.  

I am looking forward to seeing what he does in the next chapter of life.  (There is more to life than selling pants.)

Brian, I am so lucky to know you.  I am so proud of how you have managed your life,  

I doubt you know how much you mean to me.  

I would die on a stake for you.  

I love you Brian Main.  

I'll see you on the lake sometime soon.
