I lost a son in a war.
He went to war to fight for freedom.
Freedom from oppression. Specifically, radical Islamist oppression. Those folks would have it one way and it's all their way.
That ain't America.
But, Memorial Day is much bigger than this one fight.
America is a land of freedom.
And, in order to protect our freedom, sometimes, war is the only answer. If an oppressor of American freedom comes along, our military is there to keep them at bay.
Memorial Day honors the 1.4 million in our history that fought for our freedoms and died in the process. They gave all for your freedom to think and act however you want.
Freedom means you are free to be who you want to be. And you are free to become anything you can figure out how to accomplish.
We are the only country in the world that allows this.
I am free to be a professing Christian.
My next door neighbor is free to be an Orthodox Jew.
My next door neighbor is free to be an atheist.
My next door neighbor is free to believe in UFOs.
My best friend can be black or brown or any other color.
My best friends can be gay.
I don't have to agree with any of them on religion or morals. So long as we all agree that America and our ideals of freedom are what's important.
Our enemy is anyone that wants to reduce our freedoms.
Freedom of worship.
Freedom of assembly.
Freedom of protest.
Freedom of speech.
At Pete's funeral, the folks from Westboro Baptist Church were there proclaiming there spew of hate. Pete died, as did all of the others, to protect their freedom of speech and assembly. Odd, disturbing, but true.
America was created by folks that wanted out of tyranny of feudalism and a governing religion.
America was not formed by the Southern Baptist Convention, the Roman Catholic Church or any other one group.
America was formed by folks that wanted to be free.
There's a reason we don't have an official language. America welcomes all. It makes life complicated, but that's our program. All are welcome.
For all of us, let's respect those men and women who died for this idea of freedom.
Take a few minutes on Memorial Day to say thanks for those that have given all. And, for those who are currently wearing the Cloth of the Nation and willing to give it all.